Our History

Collection Bureau of Walla Walla (CBWW) began as a merchant-owned credit bureau in the 1920s, and we became a privately-owned business in 1980. Since 1999, we have streamlined our company to focus on debt collection. Our long history in Walla Walla Valley is a credit to our professionalism and excellent service to our clients.

Your Reputation is Our Reputation

All collections are done in a courteous and ethical manner. Our staff abides by the ACA International Collectors' Pledge in all of our business efforts:

"I believe every person has worth as an individual.
I believe every person should be treated with dignity and respect.
I will make it my responsibility to help consumers find ways to pay their debts.
I will be professional and ethical.
I will commit to honoring this pledge."

Licensed and Bonded













ACA International
WCA Collectors
Trans Union

Ready to Get Started?


This is a communication from a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for this purpose.